Well, BULL SPEC is a quarterly. Issue #4 now available!
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Well, BULL SPEC is a quarterly. Issue #4 now available!
Posted on 2010-12-30 at 21:27 by montsamu
While print copies won’t be available until the launch party at The Regulator on Wednesday, January 12th, BULL SPEC #4 is available now for orders and downloads and sample previewing in the usual places.
Again the cover is from Carrboro’s Jason Strutz:
And behold! the contents of what squeezed into the
Cover Art
Jet Packs! Jason Strutz
4 Freedom Acres Andrew Magowan
12 O, Harvard Square! Nick Mamatas
16 The Burning Room David Tallerman
21 A Mathematician’s Apology Don Norum
24 City of Shadow and Glass Erin Hoffman
26 Tornado of Sparks James Maxey
Graphic Short
33 Closed System Mike Gallagher part 4 of 4
32 Closed System Mike Gallagher ≈ Interview
by Samuel Montgomery-Blinn
42 Pyr at Five & 100 Lou Anders ≈ Article and
Interview by Samuel Montgomery-Blinn
50 Children No More Mark L. Van Name ≈
Excerpt; Essay and Interview by Dan Campbell
56 The Greyfriar Clay and Susan Griffith ≈
Review by Natania Barron; Article by Alex
57 Pathfinder Orson Scott Card ≈ Article by Alex
40 Happenings
58 Reviews ≈ Surface Detail Iain M. Banks
by Patrick Ward; The Secret History of
Fantasy Peter S. Beagle by Paul Kincaid;
The Horns of Ruin Tim Akers by
Joseph Giddings; The Strange Affair of
Spring-Heeled Jack Mark Hodder by Joseph
Giddings; The Way of Kings Brandon
Sanderson by Richard Dansky; Stories Neil
Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio by Richard Dansky;
The Universe in Miniature in Miniature
Patrick Somerville by Jason Erik Lundberg
64 Poetry ≈ Masdevallia Mark Brandon Allen;
Beastwoman’s Snarled Rune Rose
Lemberg; Enchantment Jennifer McConnel;
with the fisher on the lake Kaolin Fire;
The Guardian at the Fountain of
Eternal Youth Alexandra Seide
66 Editorial ≈ The Year That Was & The Year to
And… this exercise already revealed one error, in that one of the many things which couldn’t fit into these 68 pages remained in the contents list, that being Paul Kincaid’s review of Sacred Space. Actually that one will have to wait for issue 5.
Anyway: what are you waiting for? Get those orders on, and if you’re nearabouts the Triangle area, see you in a couple of weeks!