
In addition to checking out the Issues and Guides which bullspec.com has for your perusal, here are some of the regular (or not) online features:

Newsletter — a monthly recap and rolling calendar for upcoming events and happenings; more frequent updates are included as Friday Quick Updates

The Hardest Part — a guest column series, updated Wednesdays, which features authors writing about the hardest part of completing their recent book. Participants include Bull Spec “alumni” Nick Mamatas, Tina Connolly, Erin Hoffman, Sofia Samatar, and many others as well as local and regional authors Gail Z. Martin, M. David Blake, L. Jagi Lamplighter, and many others.

Coming to Town — an interview series which features authors coming to the Triangle area for readings, signings, conventions, and other events. Participants include Richard Kadrey, Jason Mott, Emily Croy Barker, and Steven Brust.

From the Other Side — Award-winning British sf critic Paul Kincaid covers UK releases and awards.


The Exploding Spaceship -- Gerald and Angela Blackwell's review column

The Negative Zone — Andrew Neal’s review column

Harry Tortilla — an irregular “review” column warning us of the dangers of Omni Corp