The Exploding Spaceship Announces The Women Author Book Donation Project to Benefit the Glasgow Women's Library

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The Exploding Spaceship Announces The Women Author Book Donation Project to Benefit the Glasgow Women's Library

Posted on 2015-07-31 at 18:34 by angelablackwell


We are pleased to announce the start of a project to increase the size of the science fiction and fantasy collection at the Glasgow Women’s Library!

The library serves women of all ages so we want to include books aimed at middle grades, teens and adults. We would like to include as many author/editor signed books as possible but any books appropriate for a feminist audience are fine.

So please send us books and graphic novels by women with women main characters, we will deal with getting the volumes to the library.

We have setup an information page here:

Please send books to P.O. Box 5845 Statesville, NC 28687-5845.

If you have any questions please direct them to Angela on Twitter @ExplodnSpceship.

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship