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The Exploding Spaceship Reviews A Red-Rose Chain and its Book Launch at Borderlands!

Posted on 2015-09-24 at 05:23 by angelablackwell


Review of A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire (Daw, September 1, 2015)

This is the ninth October Daye novel. She is engaged to the King of Cats, Tybalt, and in this volume their relationship deepens as they both realize losing the other one would be horrible.  A crazy woman has evented a way to put fae to sleep for one hundred years by using something called an elf-shot arrow, and a neighboring kingdom seems to think that is an excellent way to get rid of problem people like October and her crew. They try

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Reviews Binti by Nnedi Okorafor

Posted on 2015-09-22 at 13:36 by angelablackwell


Review of Binti by Nnedi Okorafor (, September 22, 2015)

Binti is the adventure of a young woman leaving her tribe behind to accept admission to a university off Earth. Her tribe, the Himba, doesn’t have access to much un-salted water so they wash with a special mixture of red mud and oils. They cover their bodies and hair with it. No one from her tribe has ever gone to the prestigious Oozma Uni.

Binti travels on a space ship full of other students and soon finds the other math nerds. They settle

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Reviews Sunset Mantle by Alter S. Reiss

Posted on 2015-09-15 at 15:01 by angelablackwell


Review of Sunset Mantle by Alter S. Reiss ( September 15, 2015)

This is the story of the warrior Cete and the seamtress with whom he fell in love. He was attracted to her shop by a beautiful mantle which he is told was paid for but not bought . Marelle lives in Reach Antach and Cete joins the Antach Army in order to buy a work from her.

Things don’t go so well for Cete after the army musters out. His relationship with Marelle had advanced to him visiting her shop almost daily before the army went

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Reviews Dawnbreaker, His Father's Eyes, Waterborne Exile, and The End of All Things

Posted on 2015-09-15 at 02:03 by angelablackwell


Review of Dawnbreaker: Legends of the Duskwalker Book Three by Jay Posey (Angry Robot Books, August  4, 2015)

This is the third volume of Cass and Wren’s story. This time they spend much of the story apart, so we have separate narratives. Wren leaves Greenstone with Three’s training brother Haiku and goes off to the tower where they live in order to be trained. He learns a great deal from Three’s teacher but most of what he learns is about himself. He becomes more confident and secure in himself and much

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship | Tagged david b coe, jay posey, john scalzi

The Exploding Spaceship Special Earth Girl Universe Review Column!

Posted on 2015-09-09 at 19:47 by angelablackwell


Special Janet Edwards' Earth Girl Three Part Review: Earth 2788 (July 4, 2015 by the author), Earth and Fire (July 31, 2015 by the author), and Earth Flight (US release by Pyr, September 8, 2015)

In order to prepare new US readers for the release of the third part of the trilogy and to give UK readers some new material, Janet Edwards has been posting short stories about the characters we see in Earth Girl, the first volume of the series. These were originally on her website, but this made them difficult

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Release Day Edition: Review of Witches of Lychford by Paul Cornell

Posted on 2015-09-09 at 05:21 by angelablackwell


Review of Witches of Lychford by Paul Cornell ( Sept 8, 2015)

This is the story of the inhabitants of a small English village and how they kept some unscrupulous big box executives from conning the town into allowing them to move into the town center. The story has several viewpoint characters: Judith, the elderly witch with the not completely gone dead husband; Lizzie, the town vicar who grew up here and only recently returned; and Lizzie’s childhood friend Autumn, the owner of the magic shop who

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Reviews The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson

Posted on 2015-09-01 at 15:01 by angelablackwell


Review of The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson ( Sept 1)

This story centers around a caravan, and all the various beings associated with it. The setting has an African feel, with desert, oasis, plain, city and forest features at various points of the journey. It is sort of a strange travelogue focused on Demane and his boyfriend Isa, who is the Captain of the caravan workers. Some beings in the setting are of partially alien ancestry and so have skills and abilities outside the human

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Visits Sasquan - Worldcon 2015

Posted on 2015-08-31 at 17:41 by angelablackwell


This year's Worldcon was held in the Spokane Convention Center and numerous hotels surrounding it. The convention center was clean, well-maintained, accessible, and had sufficient restrooms and food locations. Food was pricey as it is in all convention centers, but the convention had a con suite in an adjacent hotel and in the evenings there were parties in a hotel several blocks away. There were also some restaurants just a block or two away which were very reasonably priced. The convention center

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Announces The Women Author Book Donation Project to Benefit the Glasgow Women's Library

Posted on 2015-07-31 at 18:34 by angelablackwell


We are pleased to announce the start of a project to increase the size of the science fiction and fantasy collection at the Glasgow Women's Library!

The library serves women of all ages so we want to include books aimed at middle grades, teens and adults. We would like to include as many author/editor signed books as possible but any books appropriate for a feminist audience are fine.

So please send us books and graphic novels by women with women main characters, we will deal with getting the volumes to

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

The Exploding Spaceship Reviews Time Salvager, Iron and Blood, Cities and Thrones, Roboteer and The Dead Man's Reach

Posted on 2015-07-25 at 18:13 by angelablackwell


Review of Time Salvager by Wesley Chu (Tor July 7, 2015 in the UK, Angry Robot July 9, 2015)

The premise that the future is so bleak that they need to send people to the past to salvage energy sources and other resources makes for a very interesting setting. The main characters are salvager James, and two women, Grace and Elise. He meets both of them on trips to the past, but ends up bringing them to his own time in order for them to help him save the future. James' efforts to balance his relationships

Posted in The Exploding Spaceship

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