Posts filed: benefit-novella-announcements

We're pleased to announce that BULL SPEC NOVELLA #1 will be: Alan Smale's "Delusion's Song."

Posted on 2009-11-12 at 14:28 by montsamu
To control Branwell they had to subdue him. To subdue him, they chose to burn him. So, on the fifty-third day of the village’s isolation from the world, a day that might have been April 29th of 1846 if the calendar could be trusted, the farm laborers and wool-combers and idle-hands of Haworth took Branwell out of the Black Bull and incinerated him by proxy.

Samuel coaxed him from the public house readily enough with the promise of free bathtub gin at his home, but as soon as Branwell saw the grinning mob
Posted in alan smale, announcements, benefit-announcements, benefit-novella-announcements, bull spec novella #1, delusion's song

We're pleased to announce that BULL SPEC BENEFIT NOVELLA #1 will be: William Shunn's Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated "Inclination."

Posted on 2009-11-09 at 18:41 by montsamu
The Manual tells us that in the beginning the Builder decreed six fundamental Machines. These are his six aspects, and all we do we must do with the Six. We need no other machines.

I believe this with all my heart. I do. And yet sometimes I seem to intuit the existence of a seventh Machine, hovering like a blasphemous ghost just beyond apprehension.

There is something wrong with me, and I don’t know what it is.
BULL SPEC is pleased to announce that BULL SPEC BENEFIT NOVELLA #1 will be William Shunn's Hugo- and Read more...
Posted in announcements, benefit-announcements, benefit-novella-announcements, bull spec benefit novella #1, inclination, novella-announcements, william shunn