Posts tagged: sutherland's rules

The Hardest Part: Dario Ciriello on Sutherland's Rules

Posted on 2014-02-05 at 20:39 by montsamu

I can't quite place how I digitally ran into Dario Ciriello back in 2009. Probably it was that I had a silly idea that I would be a writer, thinking that the mess I was working on was looking like it would be a novella, and looking around to see who published at that length. EnterĀ Panverse One, edited by Ciriello, which blew me away. An all-novella anthology (the first of three, so far, all excellent) with fantastic, varied stories, a beautiful cover, and a well-produced physical book, introducing me to a

Posted in The Hardest Part | Tagged dario ciriello, panverse publishing, sutherland's rules