Attachments, thanks, and stats.
← Updated guidelines: open for works in Spanish and Chinese; longer form reprints.The BULL SPEC dollar. →
Attachments, thanks, and stats.
Posted on 2009-11-08 at 03:03 by montsamu
Based on some feedback to our guidelines, we’re considering accepting attachments. (We aren’t yet but we’re thinking about it.) The most likely ones for us are (1) .txt (2) .pdf (most likely to render the same for you and us) and (3) .odc (our internal document format). We have had problems with both .doc and .rtf rendering sanely across operating systems and client software in the past and aren’t that interesting in putting our precious pennies into the latest and greatest commercial editors which use .doc as a native format.
We know you’ve spent a lot of time agonizing over a good manuscript format (may we recommend William Shunn’s) and so have we. So if you have a good argument as to why we should accept attachments, go ahead and post it here as a comment or send it our way at editors at bullspec dot com.
Thanks again for the feedback and continued submissions. We’re honored beyond words that so many excellent stories from so many excellent writers are coming our way. When we launched on Friday morning, there was a frightening moment of question: what if nobody ever submits? Thanks for coming through, well beyond our expectations.
Friday 11/6:
- 2 submissions received
- 20 submissions received
- 15 acknowledgements written
- 1 rejection sent