Heads up: will be closing submissions for this reading period at midnight Sunday night EST.

← We're pleased to announce that BULL SPEC NOVELLA #1 will be: Alan Smale's "Delusion's Song."
We are now closed for submissions until 1 February 2010. →

Heads up: will be closing submissions for this reading period at midnight Sunday night EST.

Posted on 2009-11-12 at 21:9 by montsamu

We’ve received so many great submissions, and many other ones quite good, besides. We promised to keep submissions open for 10 days and Sunday night at midnight EST will be that minimum. To be fair to ourselves, our day jobs, our families, and the stories we’ve already received that we’d be happy to end up selecting, we’re going to close for submissions of original short stories at that time so that we can finish our selection process for this first submissions period.

So: keep ‘em coming until then! For the first few acknowledgements on days one and two we mentioned we’d hope to have responses in full by the end of the week, but with so many great submissions, our best guess is another 7-10 days or so after we’ve closed submissions for this reading period. If you’ve any questions where your story is sitting in our “process” (inbox, acknowledged, considered, shortlisted, etc.) feel free to query. We won’t bite. We gore and trample, sure, but not so much with the biting.

Posted in meta, status