Updates galore.
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Updates galore.
Posted on 2010-01-28 at 18:46 by montsamu
Wow, somehow it’s been two weeks since the last post here, and I wanted to let folks know BULL SPEC is still here, and that there are a few updates on what BULL SPEC has been up to, bullet point style:
- Spanish narration is (beautifully!) done for our first benefit short, Joe Meno’s “The Architecture of the Moon,” thanks to Yda Balcazar. Additional huge thanks to Itzel Leaf, Spanish translator, and Matthew Nis Leerberg, who provided editing for the Spanish translation. Andrew Matte finished his first draft of the French translation, but there’s still some work to do there to edit, finalize, and narrate. Finally, I had a chance to sit down with the folks at Durham Literacy about the project, and they’re excited to see the end result. So am I!
- The transcriptions of the Lee Hammock and Sci Fi Genre Comics & Games interviews came in at 8000+ and 9000+ words, respectively. Both were a lot of fun, and many thanks here to the interviewees as well as to Chris Hemp, who handled the video.
- BULL SPEC #1 will include a second original short story, by Raleigh’s Peter Wood.
- BULL SPEC #1 will include a steampunk short story by local author Natania Barron. She said it was an awesome thing, and who am I to argue?
- BULL SPEC #1 will include a “Mystic Israel”-set Choose Your Own Adventure by Uri Grey.
- BULL SPEC #1 will also include an excerpt of local author Michael Jasper’s novel A Gathering of Doorways.
- And now the bad news. BULL SPEC #1 is not going to make the hoped for “go to print” date of “late January.” I’d rather take a little more time to get a few more things right (and hopefully finally finish that crossword?) than rush something that’s not finished, though eventually I will stop tinkering and “press the button.” So: the “Spring” issue will be available in mid-to-late-February.
- Going along with that, BULL SPEC will not be opening for submissions on 1 February. I need to finish #1 and have a few days to breathe, so certainly not before 10 February and I will keep everyone posted.