New local event: Flyleaf Books to host Kevin Hearne, author of The Iron Druid Chronicles
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New local event: Flyleaf Books to host Kevin Hearne, author of The Iron Druid Chronicles
Posted on 2012-05-05 at 00:10 by montsamu
Pretty much every time I send out the monthly events newsletter, the first thing that happens is that I get e-mails about the events I’ve missed. While I can update them on the website (search for NEW-NEW to find things added after the e-mails go out), sometimes the events warrant a post of their own — and this is just such an event.

Kevin Hearne is the author of The Iron Druid Chronicles series (Hounded, Hexed, Hammered, and just-released Tricked) which tell the story of Atticus O’Sullivan, the titular druid who has been running for two thousand years — and he’s a bit tired of it, having settled down more or less in… Tempe, Arizona, of course. Out in print and e-book from Orbit, and in audio from Brilliance Audio, though the latter two versions are a bit harder to sign, you’ll get a chance to see Hearne try as he’ll be visiting Chapel Hill’s Flyleaf Books on Tuesday, June 12 at 7 pm for a reading and signing event. (Started a Facebook event here to send around. Let’s fill up Flyleaf again!)
I added the event and updated the current Bull Spec flyer/handout PDF. So print some, post them, hand them out. And see you there!
Update, May 10: Slightly updated Bull Spec flyer/handout PDF.
Update, May 16: Even more slightly updated Bull Spec flyer/handout PDF.