2012 Award Eligibility Post
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2012 Award Eligibility Post
Posted on 2013-01-07 at 19:32 by montsamu
On SFWA President (and NY Times bestselling sf author) John Scalzi’s blog, he once again is running an open thread series on awards eligibility, starting with authors/creators/editors/publishers/etc. Since I scraped a comment together, I figured I may as well post it here as well. Here’s what Bull Spec was up to last year, partitioned a bit for particular eligibility categories, for your consideration:
Hi, I’m Sam, and publish/edit the semiprozine Bull Spec, which is supposedly quarterly, but managed just one issue in 2012, issue #7:
<img title=“Bull Spec #7 Cover: “Gearaffes” by Angi Shearstone based on D.K. Thompson’s short story “The Gearaffe Who Didn’t Tick”, additional cover design by Jeremy Zerfoss” alt=“Bull Spec #7 Cover: “Gearaffes” by Angi Shearstone based on D.K. Thompson’s short story “The Gearaffe Who Didn’t Tick”, additional cover design by Jeremy Zerfoss” src=“http://bullspec.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/bullspecgearaffecover_112811_01-pdf-pages-tiff-900w1.jpg?w=237&h=300” width=“237” height=“300” />
I would like to raise for your consideration for Best Fan Artist:
- Angi Shearstone, for the awesome “Gearaffe” cover (she has other nice work in 2012 as well)
- Jason Strutz for two interior illustrations in the issue including a great 2-page spread for “Inseperables’ War” which is available in the free PDF preview, as well as his illustration for “Complications of the Flesh” (also in the preview), as well as being the illustrator for the serialized graphic novel (and also his other work not for me in 2012)
I would like to raise for your consideration for Best Short Story:
- The Gearaffe Who Didn’t Tick by D. K. Thompson
- Complications of the Flesh by Jason Erik Lundberg
- Inseperables’ War by Stephanie Ricker (a short story you can read in its entirety in the free PDF preview)
- Fish Eyes by Natania Barron
- When Dreams Wake by Jason K. Chapman
I would like to raise for your consideration for Best Fan Writer:
- Paul Kincaid, for many excellent reviews and interviews, both for me and elsewhere
- John H. Stevens, for many excellent pieces of criticism, both for me and elsewhere
- Jeremy L.C. Jones, for many excellent non-fiction pieces, both for me and elsewhere
- Rich Horton, ditto
- Preston Grassmann, ditto
- Joseph Giddings, ditto
- Nick Mamatas, ditto
And, well this is a bit out of the ordinary, but: I did film this eligible entry for Best Dramatic Short Film, which is of award-winning sf author John Kessel, dressed as Galadriel, at the cinemas to watch The Hobbit, singing Leonard Nimoy’s “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins”, in late 2012: