Posts filed: happenings

Oh my: February will be a fun month.

Posted on 2011-02-03 at 17:41 by montsamu

But first, a quick recap of some things I missed along the way.


6 Mur Lafferty and Mary Robinette Kowal among the guest narrators for Cory Doctorow's With a Little Help
15 Natania Barron's story "Without a Light" is published in Fantastique Unfettered #1
16 Clay and Susan Griffith's The Greyfriar is named The Vamp Chix blog's Best Vamp Novel 2010 (one of many, many lists and year-end praises for the book)
30 Natania Barron's story "Dead's End to Middleton" (originally in Crossed Genres "Steampunk" issue

Posted in happenings

Call for happenings, October-March.

Posted on 2010-12-17 at 20:05 by montsamu

I missed far too many "Happenings" in issue 3:

Posted in happenings

Scheduled and scheduling.

Posted on 2010-08-03 at 01:57 by montsamu

First, some upcoming things which didn't make Issue #2's "Happenings" which I've recently learned about:

  • I had local author John Claude Bemis' The Wolf Tree in Happenings, but not the book's launch party at Purple Crow Books in Hillsborough on August 28
  • Brandon Sanderson is reading and signing from Way of Kings: The Stormlight Archive, Vol. 1 at Quail Ridge Books on September 7 at 7:30 PM
  • William Gibson (!!!) is bringing his Zero History tour to Duke University on September 21 at 7:00 PM

Second, and on the

Posted in announcements, happenings, reconstruction