Posts tagged: gail z. martin
The Hardest Part: Gail Z. Martin on writing multiple series
Posted on 2014-10-29 at 20:35 by montsamu
Charlotte author Gail Z. Martin is now really no stranger to Bull Spec’s ongoing guest column series The Hardest Part, as she wrote about launching a new epic fantasy universe with Ice Forged in January 2013, and then a year ago about making the jump to urban fantasy with Deadly Curiosities. Now she's back in this column as part of her annual #DaysOfTheDead blog tour and I couldn't be happier to be sending along her thoughts on maintaining muliple series in multiple genres as she picks up a new Steampunk
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The Exploding Spaceship New Release Edition: Reviews of Deadly Curiosities and The Blasted Lands
Posted on 2014-06-30 at 02:42 by angelablackwell
Review of Deadly Curiosities by Gail Z Martin (Solaris Books, June 24, 2014, mass market)
This is a new urban fantasy series set in Charleston, South Carolina. The center of the adventures is an antique shop called Trifles and Folly, which is currently owned by Cassidy Kincaide and her vampire silent partner Sorren. She has a former history graduate student/martial artist named Teag Logan who helps run the place. His boyfriend Anthony is a lawyer from an old Charleston family, who is occasionally
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The Exploding Spaceship Reviews The Moon King, Reign of Ash and Broken Homes
Posted on 2014-05-16 at 03:14 by angelablackwell
Review of The Moon King by Neil Williamson (hardcover and trade, NewCon Press April 22, 2014)
This is Neil Williamson’s first novel, and after starting and not finishing several other first fantasy novels this year, Neil must be congratulated that I not only finished his novel but read it in two days. I didn’t find any of the usual first novel writing craft issues which can jar me out of the story.
As a reviewer I get presented with many fantasy novels to review, but I never get past the first chapter
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The Hardest Part: Gail Z. Martin on Deadly Curiosities
Posted on 2013-10-30 at 15:56 by montsamu
Charlotte author Gail Z. Martin is no stranger to Bull Spec's ongoing guest column series The Hardest Part, as she wrote about launching a new epic fantasy universe with Ice Forged in January after six books in her Chronicles of the Necromancer oeuvre. Here, she writes about an interesting difficulty encountered when jumping between epic fantasy and urban fantasy for her forthcoming 2013 novel, Deadly Curiosities as part of her ongoing Days of the Dead blog tour. Read on past the end for more info on her
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The Hardest Part: Gail Z. Martin on Ice Forged
Posted on 2013-01-23 at 16:15 by montsamu
After six books across two publishers in the world of her Chronicles of the Necromancer series, Charlotte author Gail Z. Martin's new book, Ice Forged (Orbit, January 2013) remains firmly in epic fantasy territory but otherwise starts an entirely new world. While earlier this week The Exploding Spaceship reviewed the book, here Martin writes that yes, indeed, while starting from scratch can be a refreshing change of pace, it was also the hardest part of creating her newest book.

By Gail Z. Martin:
Posted in The Hardest Part | Tagged gail z. martin, ice forged
Day one of illogiCon is here! Also: Gail Z. Martin starts a new fantasy series with Ice Forged
Posted on 2013-01-11 at 15:24 by montsamu
With registration opening at noon, and opening ceremonies and programming (and the dealer's room) getting started at 3, illogiCon ii: Schrodington's Revenge is finally here:

There are readings, panels (I'm moderating one on "The Local Scene" at 5 pm) and then later this evening, a dance, more panels (Liars' Panel, SF as Covert Commentary on the Real World, etc.) and filk gets going as well. There are day passes available, as well as (of course!) weekend-long registrations, so come on by the Embassy