Posts tagged: scuppernong books
Coming to Town: W. Scott Poole for In the Mountains of Madness: The Life, Death, and Extraordinary Afterlife of H.P. Lovecraft, at Malaprop's Bookstore and Scuppernong Books, reviewed by Nick Mamatas
Posted on 2016-08-31 at 14:17 by montsamu
So, Soft Skull Press is set to publish College of Charleston historian and Lovecraft aficionado W. Scott Poole's new book In the Mountains of Madness: The Life, Death, and Extraordinary Afterlife of H.P. Lovecraft in September, and Poole is set to launch the book at Asheville's Malaprop's Bookstore on Wednesday, September 7, with a second reading in North Carolina on Thursday, September 22 at Greensboro's Scuppernong Books. The book comes bearing blurbs from Victor LaValle, author of The Ballad of Black Tom
Read more...Posted in Coming to Town | Tagged #WinIAmProvidence, i am providence, malaprops bookstore, nick mamatas, scuppernong books, w scott poole
Friday Quick Updates: Edmund R. Schubert's This Giant Leap, new-new and updated events, award news, and more
Posted on 2016-08-12 at 14:56 by montsamu
Friday, August 12, 2016: As promised there isn't a newsletter coming this month, but that certainly isn't to say there isn't a lot of news to pass along. So! Here we go, starting with a "new-new" event tonight in Greensboro that a lot of Triangle (and beyond) folks are excited about:

At 7 pm, Greensboro’s Scuppernong Books (304 S Elm St) hosts Edmund R. Schubert for a reading and signing of his new science fiction collection This Giant Leap. Published earlier this year by Charlotte's Falstaff Books (John