Posts tagged: the arthur c clarke award

Paul Kincaid's From the Other Side, January 2014: Simon Ings, Adam Roberts, James Smythe, and some awards talk

Posted on 2014-01-27 at 21:17 by montsamu

From the Other Side: January 2014

By Paul Kincaid

I’m going to use this column to talk about some of the things that are happening in science fiction in Britain each month.

January, of course, is not usually a month when publishers roll out their biggest guns, but this year seems to be something of an exception. Gollancz have brought out Wolves by Simon Ings, which I confidently expect to feature on a few best of the year lists come this time next year (I certainly expect it to feature on my list). It is

Posted in From the Other Side | Tagged adam roberts, james smythe, kate atkinson, life after life, mahendra singh, paul kincaid, simon ings, the arthur c clarke award, the echo, the kitschies, twenty trillion leagues under the sea, wolves