Posts tagged: the madman's daughter
Coming to Town: Megan Shepherd for Her Dark Curiosity and "The Lovestruck Tour"
Posted on 2014-02-18 at 15:26 by montsamu
The Lovestruck Tour features four YA authors -- Megan Hansen Shepherd (Her Dark Curiosity), Megan Miranda (Fracture), Kasie West (Pivot Point), and Robin Constantine (The Promise of Amazing) -- and five bookstores: Asheville's Malaprop's Bookstore on Wednesday, February 19 at 7 pm; Raleigh's Quail Ridge Books on Thursday at 7 pm; Chapel Hill's Flyleaf Books on Friday at 7 pm; Greenville, South Carolina's Fiction Addiction on Saturday at 4 pm; and Decatur, Georgia's Little Shop of Stories on Monday, February