Friday Quick Updates: Baen audio drama casting; H.G. Wells panel rescheduled; NC Lit Fest schedule; and upcoming events including Jenna Black and Kristen Simmons
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Friday Quick Updates: Baen audio drama casting; H.G. Wells panel rescheduled; NC Lit Fest schedule; and upcoming events including Jenna Black and Kristen Simmons
Posted on 2014-03-14 at 17:48 by montsamu
Friday, March 14, 2014: Happy Friday everyone! There are some fun activities for teens and kids this weekend (a Divergent fan party on Saturday, Richard Peck’s The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail on Sunday), ahead of a three-author YA event at Flyleaf Books on Monday with Kristen Simmons, Mindee Arnett, and Durham’s Jenna Black, whose latest novel Resistance was just published Tuesday by Tor Teen, a follow-on to last year’s Replica.
Also this weekend (Saturday March 15 and Monday March 17), Wake Forest, NC-based sf publisher Baen is holding auditions for a radio play based on Eric Flint’s novella “Islands”, set in a Byzantine Roman Empire time period. Recording in early April, Baen is looking for various voice actors, with versatility and ability to double on parts appreciated. Payment will be $125 for principals and $20 for extras. Characters include: Male, 20s; Female, 20s; rich-voiced male; males 20-40; female 20-40; older man; older woman. Email [email protected] for scheduling, or call (919) 421-4148. Recording will be in Wake Forest, north of Raleigh, and should require approximately a day and a half commitment from principals. Futher: “We encourage those interested to send voice samples and links to voiceover reels prior to audition. These can be sent to [email protected]. If the file is very large, we can work via Dropbox transfer.”
The H.G. Wells panel at the Orange County Library that was originally scheduled for last month, but was then postponed due to one of the ice storms, has been rescheduled for Monday, April 7. “Join speculative authors James Maxey, Nathan Kotecki, and Clay Griffith, who will lead a group discussion on the pioneering contribution of HG Wells to speculative fiction, and his enduring influence on the genre. ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’ will be the primary focus, but the discussion is expected to encompass other Wells works, too!”

Meanwhile, the NC Literary Festival (April 3-6 at NC State) has posted its schedule of events, which includes featured evening readings with Lev Grossman (Thursday, April 3) and Junot Diaz (Friday, April 4) among fantastic programming all weekend long. Karen Joy Fowler and Therese Anne Fowler (Saturday 11:30 AM); Peter Straub and John Kessel (3:30 PM); Sunday’s 2 PM Literary Fantastic Panel with John Kessel, Nathan Ballingrud, Richard Butner, and Dale Bailey; a robust children’s programming track including Paperhand Puppet Intervention (Saturday 10 AM), R.L. Stine, John Claude Bemis, … it’s going to be a fantastic few days.
NEW-NEW: 15 (Saturday) 4:30 pm — Quail Ridge Books hosts a “Divergent” fan party to celebrate the film adaptation of the popular YA dystopian novel.
16 (Sunday) 3 pm — Quail Ridge Books hosts Richard Peck – ‘The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail’. (Kids.)
17 (Monday) 7 pm — Flyleaf Books hosts the “Three Nightmares You Can’t Resist” tour with authors Kristen Simmons, Mindee Arnett, and Jenna Black. More info:
NEW: 21-23 (Friday to Sunday) – Mad Monster Party Charlotte with William Shatner, Hulk Hogan, and more:
[As always check the latest newsletter for more event listings!]