Posts filed: joe meno

Sneak Peek: "La Arquitectura de la Luna" (the Spanish translation of Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon").

Posted on 2009-11-29 at 02:34 by montsamu

I thought you might also enjoy a sneak peek into the progress of the Spanish translation for Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon." Also serving as a "Welcome!" to Itzel Leaf, who is handling the Spanish translation for this story and we are thrilled to have her on the BULL SPEC team. Without further adieu: the first paragraph of "La Arquitectura de la Luna:"

Para el Lunes la luna había dejado de brillar. En un momento es la forma mas importante del cielo nocturno, y después desaparece, una imagen un

Posted in bull spec benefit short #1, itzel leaf, joe meno, la arquitectura de la luna, the architecture of the moon

Sneak Peek: "L'Architecture de la Lune" (the French translation of Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon").

Posted on 2009-11-27 at 18:26 by montsamu

I thought you might enjoy a sneak peek into the progress of the French translation for Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon." Also serving as a "Welcome!" to Andrew Matte, who is handling the French translation and narration for this story and we are thrilled to have him on the BULL SPEC team. Without further adieu: the first paragraph of "L'Architecture de la Lune:"

Par lundi la lueur de la lune est disparru. Un moment c'est la figure le plus important dans le ciel ensuite c'est parti, un image brumeux

Posted in andrew matte, bull spec benefit short #1, joe meno, l'architecture de la lune, the architecture of the moon

We're pleased to announce that BULL SPEC BENEFIT SHORT #1 will be: Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon."

Posted on 2009-11-09 at 17:58 by montsamu
By Monday the moon has stopped glowing. One moment it is the singularly most important shape in the nighttime sky and then it is gone...
BULL SPEC is pleased to announce that BULL SPEC BENEFIT SHORT #1 will be Joe Meno's "The Architecture of the Moon:"

I first encountered this shimmeringly wonderful short story as one of featherproof books' free mini-book light reading series, where you can download a well-produced PDF which you can print, fold origami-style, and enjoy. I would offer my thoughts on it, but Read more...
Posted in announcements, benefit-announcements, benefit-short-announcements, bull spec benefit short #1, joe meno, the architecture of the moon