Posts tagged: love is the law

The Hardest Part: Nick Mamatas on Love is the Law

Posted on 2013-12-11 at 12:00 by montsamu

Nick Mamatas is no stranger to writing whatever he wants, damn the torpedoes. And as Mamatas writes here about his latest novel -- the Trotskyist/Crowley/Long Island noir Love is the Law -- for "The Hardest Part", writing can be the easy part. "If there was any difficulty in writing the novel at all, it was in writing the book so that it could end up in a bookstore somewhere."

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="185"] Love is the Law
by Nick Mamatas
Dark Horse, October 2013[/caption]


Posted in The Hardest Part, Uncategorized | Tagged love is the law, nick mamatas