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Coming to Town: Alena Graedon for The Word Exchange at The Regulator Bookshop, Flyleaf Books, and McIntyre's Books
Posted on 2014-04-27 at 14:04 by montsamu
Durham native Alena Graedon's debut novel The Word Exchange was released in early April, and she's bringing the book "home" from Brooklyn for three events this week in the Triangle area: Tuesday April 29 at The Regulator Bookshop (7 pm), Thursday May 1 at Flyleaf Books (7 pm), and Saturday May 3 at McIntyre's Books (11 am). Called "a dystopian novel for the digital age", The Word Exchange offers an inventive, suspenseful, and decidedly original vision of the dangers of technology and of the enduring power
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Coming to Town: Ann VanderMeer for The Time Traveler's Almanac at Flyleaf Books on Monday April 21 at 7 pm
Posted on 2014-04-18 at 16:14 by montsamu
Multiple award-winning editor Ann VanderMeer has been a frequent visitor to the Carolinas, both as an instructor at the SharedWorlds teen summer writing camp at Wofford College and multiple events both at Asheville's Malaprop's Bookstore and in the Triangle. In her 3rd appearance in the Triangle in the past 4 years, she will be at Chapel Hill's Flyleaf Books on Monday, April 21, as part of a tour for The Time Traveler's Almanac, a definitive, nearly 1000 page anthology of time travel stories. The tour
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Coming to Town: Alexandra Duncan for Salvage, as part of Sunday's panel on powerful women in YA literature at Flyleaf Books
Posted on 2014-04-11 at 20:47 by montsamu
A week ago, Asheville author Alexandra Duncan contributed a "Hardest Part" guest post. Now she's back as a "Coming to Town" interviewee ahead of her appearance this Sunday at 2 pm as part of Flyleaf Books' Girl Power!: A Panel on Powerful Women in Young Adult Literature featuring Jessica Spotswood, Nathan Kotecki, Meagan Spooner, and Alexandra Duncan. We talked briefly about, well, the obvious: powerful women in YA lit, how the event was put together, and her just-released debut novel Salvage.
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Friday Quick Updates, Monday edition: Alice Hoffman, Megan Shepherd and The Lovestruck Tour, and the Nevermore Film Festival
Posted on 2014-02-17 at 15:51 by montsamu
Monday, February 17, 2014: Tonight sees the first of two events with magical realist Alice Hoffman in the Triangle, ahead of Megan Shepherd, Megan Miranda, and the rest of "The Lovestruck Tour" later this week. Hoffman's new book is The Museum of Extraordinary Things, set in the New York City of the early 1900s, and after launching the book at the Savannah Book Festival this past weekend she's at Raleigh's Quail Ridge Books tonight at 7:30 pm, ahead of a second event in the area at McIntyre's Books in
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Coming to Town, post-visit edition: Deborah Johnson for The Secret of Magic
Posted on 2014-02-14 at 17:34 by montsamu
Mississippi author Deborah Johnson has spent the last few weeks on tour, since the publication of her second novel, The Secret of Magic, in print and ebook from Amy Einhorn Books. From Mississippi, through Alabama, Georgia, and this weekend in western North Carolina with events in Boone and Winston-Salem, leading up to two events this past week in the Triangle Area: Monday night at Quail Ridge Books at 7:30 pm and Tuesday night at Flyleaf Books at 7 pm. The novel is an historical fiction set in Mississippi
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Coming to Town: Wendy Webb for The Vanishing, interviewed by Richard Dansky
Posted on 2014-01-28 at 16:33 by montsamu
Interview by Richard Dansky:
Think “Gothic” and you might not immediately think Minnesota, but Wendy Webb is working on changing that perception. Building on a writing career that began as a journalist for a Twin Cities arts & entertainment weekly, she’s published three critically and commercially successful gothic novels set in her home state. The third, The Vanishing [ebook], was released in January 2014, and in support of the book, she’s visiting Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill on Saturday, February 1st
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Coming to Town: Jason Mott for The Returned
Posted on 2013-08-26 at 20:09 by montsamu
North Carolina author Jason Mott's debut novel The Returned has gone from a dream, to a short story, to a novel, and soon is coming both to the small screen (an ABC series set for a 2014 mid-season launch) and to a bookstore near you, with stops across North Carolina (Chapel Hill's Flyleaf Books on Tuesday August 27, Wilmington on August 28, Southern Pines on August 29, and the Bookmarks Festival in Winston-Salem in early September) before heading further afield on a nation-wide book tour. Mott, an
Posted in Coming to Town | Tagged flyleaf books, jason mott, the returned
Reminder: Flyleaf Books hosts Alex Bledsoe for Wisp of a Thing tomorrow (Wednesday, July 10) at 7 pm
Posted on 2013-07-10 at 02:27 by montsamu
Author Alex Bledsoe grew up in Tennessee, and the Smokey Mountains on the Tennessee / North Carolina border are the setting for his "Tufa" novels: "No one knows where the Tufa came from, or how they ended up in the mountains of East Tennessee. When the first Europeans came to the Smoky Mountains, the Tufa were already there. Dark-haired and enigmatic, they live quietly in the hills and valleys of Cloud County, their origins lost to history. But there are clues in their music, hidden in the songs they
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New local event announcement: Epic fantasy author Steven Erikson to visit Flyleaf Books.
Posted on 2012-07-10 at 01:34 by montsamu
It never really fails that as soon as I get a new flyer put together, and some copies printed, a new event comes along. Well, no surprise, as the author of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series, Steven Erikson, is coming to Flyleaf Books on Monday, September 24, to read and sign the first novel in a new fantasy trilogy set in the same world. That book is Forge of Darkness:

"The Forge of Darkness introduces readers to Kurald Galain, the warren of Darkness, and tells an epic tale of a realm whose fate
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New local event: Flyleaf Books to host Kevin Hearne, author of The Iron Druid Chronicles
Posted on 2012-05-05 at 00:10 by montsamu
Pretty much every time I send out the monthly events newsletter, the first thing that happens is that I get e-mails about the events I've missed. While I can update them on the website (search for NEW-NEW to find things added after the e-mails go out), sometimes the events warrant a post of their own -- and this is just such an event.

Kevin Hearne is the author of The Iron Druid Chronicles series (Hounded, Hexed, Hammered, and just-released Tricked) which tell the story of Atticus O’Sullivan, the titular
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